Therapy Service
BeActivated Muscle Activation is a Performance Enhancing System. It first establishes your body's compression patterns and then begins to interrupt those patterns, with immediate and measurable results using Muscle strength Tests and Neurolymphatic points
BeActivated is a Performance Enhancing System that first establishes your body's compensation patterns and then begins to interrupt those patterns, with immediate and Measurable results using Muscle Strength Tests and Neurolymphatic points.
A high-quality service provided to high performing sports athletes suffering from an injury that is diminishing their performance.
This service is fundamental to ensuring our patients’ long-term health and wellness.
Dry needling uses “dry needles,” meaning no solution is injected into the skin. A very thin needle is inserted into the muscle’s trigger point.
This typically causes the muscle to twitch which in turn causes the trigger point to release. Electrical stimulation (an electrical current) can also be used through a handheld device while the needle is inserted into the muscle.
During the dry needling process, with or without electrical stimulation, you may feel a deep ache or cramping sensation.
A simple check-up for an athlete who wants to get rid of any aches or pains.